Some people think it's rather morbid to plan out their final wishes. They shy away from the subject at all costs and constantly look for ways to avoid the issue. However, instead of viewing your final wishes from that perspective, you may want to do a mental switch and see your last rites as a sort of love letter to those who you will leave behind. When everything is already planned down to the final detail it gives your loved ones the space to celebrate your life without having to make hard decisions.
13 December 2019
If your spouse died recently, of course you are going through a time of grief. On top of that, you probably also want to plan the funeral service that he or she would have wanted. Perhaps your spouse requested that you have only a simple graveside service. Or, maybe he or she didn't make that request, but you knew your spouse well enough that you realize a graveside service would be what he or she would have asked for.
10 December 2019
Funeral planning is one of those parts of life that are never easy, yet this process becomes even more complicated when you must help plan for the memorial of someone that you have been separated from for a period of time. Unfortunately, spouses sometimes pass away before you have the chance to get a divorce, and you may have just discovered that you are the closest relative that is in a position to plan the funeral.
9 December 2019
Death is the one thing in life that no one is able to prevent no matter how wealthy they may be. Sometimes death occurs when it is least expected, such as from getting into an accident, but many people have the chance to pass away in a slower manner. A slow death is often the result of being terminally ill, and it can allow someone to make plans for how they desire to be put to rest.
9 December 2019
Planning for the time when you will pass on from this life is a very responsible thing to do. It shows that you understand the cycle of things and accept the fact that you will not be on the planet forever. Lining up your beneficiaries is important because if you have dependents you definitely don't want them to struggle in your absence. However, have you thought about what will happen to your remains?
9 December 2019
Has somebody very close to you pass away recently? Were they cremated? Perhaps the deceased person was very specific about not wanting a large and elaborate service at the time of their death. If that's the case, maybe you are honoring their wishes by having the cremation service right at your own home and inviting only those closest to them. Here are some tips to help you do this. Set Up the Room
5 December 2019
When your loved one has died, unless they have made other arrangements, you need to make a lot of decisions. One of those decisions is what should be done with their body. You can choose to go with something like interment or you can go with cremation. There are a lot of reasons why you might want to go with something like cremation for your loved one. Price One reason that you might want to go with cremation is that it is generally less expensive for you.
5 December 2019
If your loved one did not specify whether they'd prefer a funeral or memorial service to be held in their honor, you may be wondering which option is the most appropriate after their passing. Here are a few important things to consider that should help you determine whether a funeral or memorial service is the right choice for your loved one: Burial or Cremation The first thing to consider when choosing a funeral or memorial service for your loved one is whether they are being buried or cremated.
4 December 2019
Pre-arranged funeral arrangements are becoming more and more popular and for good reason. If this is something that you are starting to become curious about, you will want to take a little time to review the following reasons why it might be a good thing for you to do as well. Then, if you do decide that you would like to plan your own funeral in advance, you can make the phone call to schedule a meeting with the director of the funeral home of your choosing.
4 December 2019
When your loved one is cremated, you can still have a memorial service for your loved one. Just because you are not having a traditional graveside memorial for your loved one doesn't mean you need to skip the memorial service altogether. When your loved one is cremated, you have more options with how you memorialize your loved one. Memorial Option #1: Candlelight Vigil One option is a candlelight vigil or memorial.
3 December 2019