Planning Your Final Wishes? Two Reasons Why You Should Choose Cremation Services


Some people think it's rather morbid to plan out their final wishes. They shy away from the subject at all costs and constantly look for ways to avoid the issue. However, instead of viewing your final wishes from that perspective, you may want to do a mental switch and see your last rites as a sort of love letter to those who you will leave behind. When everything is already planned down to the final detail it gives your loved ones the space to celebrate your life without having to make hard decisions. If you are in the process of drawing up your final wishes and are trying to decide what to do with your remains here are two great reasons why cremation is the optimal choice.

Cremations Are Good For The Family

When a person dies unexpectedly it can leave those in their family in a bind. What if a few very close relatives aren't able to travel to the funeral location right away? There could be scheduling or money issues that keep them from being able to instantly pick up everything, catch a flight and get to where you are. Funeral homes will typically only be able to hold the body for one week before decomposition will set in. You wouldn't want the remains held much longer because the ravages of decomposition can start to make your body look unrecognizable to those who knew you.

If your body is cremated the ashes can be held for as long as it takes for everyone to come together. Your loved ones won't have to deal with the guilt that can overwhelm them if the cares of life cause them to miss out on your homegoing services.

Cremation Is The Environmental Pick

You might be the kind of individual who prides yourself on caring for the environment. Recycling is sent out each week and you might even use your free days to clean up the community or perform some other environmentally-friendly act. Why not carry this same attitude over into your approach to your final wishes? 

Cremating your remains is much better for the environment than traditional burials. Instead of loading up the soil with yet another chemically-rich body or casket, you can choose to have your remains placed in an urn.

Let the people in your immediate circle know about your desire to be cremated. Just making them aware provides you with a teachable moment where you can impart the benefits of cremation and hopefully help them to see why they should also consider choosing it for themselves.

For more information, contact a funeral home like Morris Nilsen Funeral Chapel.


13 December 2019

Planning Memorial Services For That Special Someone

When you love someone deeply, it can really hurt to lose them. Unfortunately, millions of people every year are put in that situation, creating an intense amount of hurt for themselves and their families. Fortunately, working with the right funeral home can really improve the outcome of your individual challenges. I wanted to start a website that centered around planning memorial services efficiently and effectively, so you aren't burdened by a lot of details on the day you should be focused on what's really important: friends, family, and remembering the person you lost. Read these posts to learn more about planning a memorial.