5 Unique Memorial Options When Your Loved One Is Cremated


When your loved one is cremated, you can still have a memorial service for your loved one. Just because you are not having a traditional graveside memorial for your loved one doesn't mean you need to skip the memorial service altogether. When your loved one is cremated, you have more options with how you memorialize your loved one.

Memorial Option #1: Candlelight Vigil

One option is a candlelight vigil or memorial. A candlelight vigil can be a very beautiful way to honor your loved one. At a candlelight vigil, you need to provide everyone with candles to hold during the memorial service. Using battery-powered candles has become a popular option for candlelight vigils, although you can still use traditional candles. Candlelight vigils often have a more emotionally significant and somber feeling to them.

Memorial Option #2: Bubble Fun

Another option for a memorial service is some bubbles. You can purchase big bubble wands and have everyone create bubbles in celebration of your loved one. If you are going to release their ashes at the memorial service, releasing the ashes with beautiful bubbles floating all around is a great way to send off your loved one's remains.

Memorial Option #3: Musical Celebration

If your loved one liked music, you can have a musical celebration of their life. You can have people perform different songs that your loved one enjoyed. You could even hire a band to help celebrate your loved one's life. If your loved one had a more adventurous spirit, you could even do some karaoke in honor of your loved one.

Memorial Option #4: Release Paper Lanterns

In many cultures, paper lanterns are used to help memorialize and celebrate events. Paper lanterns are usually equipped with lights. All your loved one's friends and family can release the paper lanterns into the sky all at once. Or you can release them slowly as each person shared a memory about your loved one. This can be a very sweet way to say goodbye. Oftentimes, lanterns are released near water, which is perfect if your loved one wanted their ashes spread over the water.  

Memorial Option #5: Release Balloons

Another option, instead of releasing paper lanterns, is releasing balloons. With balloons, you can release them during the day. You can also have everyone write a personal message and attach it to the string of the balloon. Releasing balloons can be a beautiful way to release your loved one. Again, you can scatter your loved one's ashes when the balloons are released.

When your loved one is cremated, you have a lot of options for a personal and special memorial service. The key is to find a way to honor your loved one while releasing their ashes. With cremation, the memorial service is not about burying the person's body  but celebrating that person's life and releasing their ashes back into the world.

For more information, contact companies like Romero Family Funeral Home and Cremations.


3 December 2019

Planning Memorial Services For That Special Someone

When you love someone deeply, it can really hurt to lose them. Unfortunately, millions of people every year are put in that situation, creating an intense amount of hurt for themselves and their families. Fortunately, working with the right funeral home can really improve the outcome of your individual challenges. I wanted to start a website that centered around planning memorial services efficiently and effectively, so you aren't burdened by a lot of details on the day you should be focused on what's really important: friends, family, and remembering the person you lost. Read these posts to learn more about planning a memorial.