Plan A Memorable Graveside Service For Your Deceased Spouse


If your spouse died recently, of course you are going through a time of grief. On top of that, you probably also want to plan the funeral service that he or she would have wanted. Perhaps your spouse requested that you have only a simple graveside service. Or, maybe he or she didn't make that request, but you knew your spouse well enough that you realize a graveside service would be what he or she would have asked for. Here are some ideas that might help you to plan a dignified and memorable graveside service.

The Speakers

Are you only inviting those closest to your family to attend the graveside service? If that's the case, maybe you would like to ask those in attendance to say a few words relating to times spent with your spouse. Maybe you yourself would like to be the main speaker. If so, remember to tell of special times you spent together, and remember to relate sweet anecdotes about him or her.

Ask one person to do a prepared eulogy that tells specifics like where your spouse was born and raised, his or her vocation, hobbies and interests, and special awards he or she might have received.

The Headstone

Will you want the headstone in place already at the graveside service? Maybe you will order it after the service is over. Either way, think of buying a custom engraved headstone that will last for many decades. A granite or marble headstone would be perfect. Your biggest decision will more than likely be what kind of design you want for the headstone.

Of course, your spouse's name, the date of his or her birth and the date of his or her death will be part of the engraving. Did you know that you can even order a custom headstone that has your spouse's picture as part of the design? If your spouse was a religious person, the headstone might have his or her favorite Bible scripture on it. A favorite quote would be an appropriate part of the headstone design. For instance, maybe your spouse more than once said words like, Live and let live. Those words can be part of the engraving, too. For more information on headstones, contact a company like Norman's Memorials.

As people leave your spouse's graveside service, think of giving them a memento to remember him or her by. For example, a bookmark with an inspiring message on it would be a very nice memento. 


10 December 2019

Planning Memorial Services For That Special Someone

When you love someone deeply, it can really hurt to lose them. Unfortunately, millions of people every year are put in that situation, creating an intense amount of hurt for themselves and their families. Fortunately, working with the right funeral home can really improve the outcome of your individual challenges. I wanted to start a website that centered around planning memorial services efficiently and effectively, so you aren't burdened by a lot of details on the day you should be focused on what's really important: friends, family, and remembering the person you lost. Read these posts to learn more about planning a memorial.