Opting For A Tailored Cremation Service For Your Final Arrangements


As you plan out your funeral services, you may want to forgo a traditional funeral that involves elements like a casket and vault. This kind of service may be too involved and complex for your personal preferences.

Instead, you may prefer something briefer, less expensive, and capable of being tailored to your specifications. You can plan for a cremation service instead of a traditional funeral and burial.

Faster Service

When you want to provide a faster way for your loved ones to say goodbye to you, you may want to forgo a traditional funeral. This type of arrangement can take upwards of a week to plan out and hold. Your family and friends remain in a proverbial limbo of grief during the time that it takes to prepare your remains for viewing and arrange for a burial plot for you.

However, a cremation service can typically be carried out in a number of days, if not faster. In fact, your remains can be cremated the same or the next day after you pass away. Your cremains can then be given to your family or the funeral home for your cremation service to be held.

Your family can say goodbye to you in less than a week and get closure after your death. They do not have to wait for a week or more to lay you to rest.

Less Expense

A cremation service is also typically less expensive to plan out and hold than a traditional burial. The price tag for it can cost thousands of dollars less, particularly if you forgo a viewing or use of a temporary casket for a wake service.

If you are simply cremated and have your ashes given to your family for scattering, you may pay a fraction of the cost for a traditional burial. You forgo having to buy an urn for your cremains, as well as a burial plot in which to inter them. 

However, even if you want to buy an urn and have your ashes buried, you still pay less for these factors of a cremation service. You can even prepay for your cremation service before you pass away and spare your family its costs.

 A cremation service can provide advantages over a traditional funeral and burial. It can be carried out faster and provide quick closure. It also costs less than the price for a traditional funeral. For more information, reach out to a local cremation provider.


7 July 2021

Planning Memorial Services For That Special Someone

When you love someone deeply, it can really hurt to lose them. Unfortunately, millions of people every year are put in that situation, creating an intense amount of hurt for themselves and their families. Fortunately, working with the right funeral home can really improve the outcome of your individual challenges. I wanted to start a website that centered around planning memorial services efficiently and effectively, so you aren't burdened by a lot of details on the day you should be focused on what's really important: friends, family, and remembering the person you lost. Read these posts to learn more about planning a memorial.