Changes To Expect To Your Cremation Pre-Planning During Pandemics


Pandemics and health crises can change many aspects of your life. What you may not consider are the ways it can change your end of life planning. One area that will likely see some changes is with your cremation services and pre-planning. Here are a few things to expect with these services for yourself or a loved one and how the services are affected by a pandemic or health crisis.

Legal Changes

During a pandemic or health crisis, you may find there are legal changes governing funerals and cremation services. There may be limitations to how many funerals or cremations can be done daily or even weekly. You may also find that there are rules for how many people can attend or if there can be attendance at all. Some funeral homes are combating this by offering live streaming of the funeral and having visitation handled in different hourly blocks to ensure there are never too many people in the same area at one given time. If there are legal changes, you will be informed when the funeral director is notified. Alternatives options may be streaming the service, scheduled funerals, or outdoor graveside services with no chapel service. 

Possible Delays

There may be possible delays with cremation services. This is due to the delays that occur with funeral homes and traditional burials during the time of a pandemic or health crisis. As funerals begin to delay, an increasing number of families opt for cremation. When this happens, it can delay the cremation services and timing. Alternatives to this can be made with your funeral director to ensure that your pre-planning puts you ahead of a delay if one occurs. You can also discuss if they have a pre-existing client clause in their contracts that states you receive preferential treatment over newcomer requests.

Transportation Changes

When you discuss your pre-planning for your cremation services, an area that may surprise you will be transportation. This refers to transporting your body or your loved one's body from the hospital or home to the crematorium. In most cases, this is handled by the crematorium. However, during a pandemic, you may find that other transportation services will be necessary. These can be ambulance services, transport services that specialize in body transport, and other related options. Since these can incur new fees, you will need to discuss them with your funeral director to determine the best alternative for you. 

If you are concerned about how your specific plans for you or your loved one's cremation services will change, contact your funeral director. They can answer your questions and give you some alternatives to put in place. In the case of a health crisis or pandemic, your alternative choices will go into effect. If you have questions about fee changes or other related issues, your funeral director can discuss those issues with you during your consultation. For more information, contact a company like Morris Nilsen Funeral Chapel.


15 January 2021

Planning Memorial Services For That Special Someone

When you love someone deeply, it can really hurt to lose them. Unfortunately, millions of people every year are put in that situation, creating an intense amount of hurt for themselves and their families. Fortunately, working with the right funeral home can really improve the outcome of your individual challenges. I wanted to start a website that centered around planning memorial services efficiently and effectively, so you aren't burdened by a lot of details on the day you should be focused on what's really important: friends, family, and remembering the person you lost. Read these posts to learn more about planning a memorial.