Reasons Why Cremation Services Tend To Be The More Affordable Option


If you are in the position of having to plan a funeral, you might find that you are looking for ways to save money. After all, funeral expenses can quickly add up. Therefore, you might want to consider the option of cremation services. To help you understand why cremation services can be the more affordable option, you will want to read through the following.

There Is No Need To Purchase A Casket

When the funeral service includes a standard burial, a casket must be purchased, and that can run a few thousand dollars. When you opt for cremation services, you do not have to worry about purchasing a casket. A lot of people make the mistake of assuming that if they do not purchase a casket, then they cannot have a viewing of their loved one. Most funeral homes provide a casket that can be used for the viewing, and you do not have to purchase it.

You Don't Have To Purchase A Burial Plot

This is a real money saver because a burial plot can cost several hundred or a couple thousand dollars, depending on where you live and whether it is a church cemetery or a town cemetery. When you decide to get cremation services, you are able to keep the ashes in an urn or spread them out in the ocean if you want. Of course, if you want, you can still bury the ashes and can even buy a plot in a cemetery to do that.

A Customized Urn Is More Affordable Than A Headstone

Headstones are rather expensive, and since they are not required when you have your loved one cremated and their ashes placed in an urn, you are able to save a lot of money. As a marker, you can purchase an urn that has a customized plaque on it. You can have things such as your loved one's name, the years they were alive, or even a special message to them. The customization may be an additional charge, but it will be much more affordable than a headstone for a burial plot.

Make sure that you take the time to speak with the funeral home director about cremation services. They will be able to walk you through the process of getting that arrangement put in place and can answer any questions that you have. For more information about cremation services, contact a local funeral director.


23 November 2020

Planning Memorial Services For That Special Someone

When you love someone deeply, it can really hurt to lose them. Unfortunately, millions of people every year are put in that situation, creating an intense amount of hurt for themselves and their families. Fortunately, working with the right funeral home can really improve the outcome of your individual challenges. I wanted to start a website that centered around planning memorial services efficiently and effectively, so you aren't burdened by a lot of details on the day you should be focused on what's really important: friends, family, and remembering the person you lost. Read these posts to learn more about planning a memorial.